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Strategic roundtable discussions for U.S. companies in Overijssel

Strategic roundtable discussions for U.S. companies

The East Netherlands Development Agency (Oost NL) is hosting, in collaboration with EACC Netherlands, in Enschede (ITC) and Zwolle (Polymer Science Park) a roundtable discussion. This gathering offers a strategic platform for regional companies with U.S. headquarters to explore shared interests and challenges.

It’s an excellent networking opportunity to get to know one another and also professionals from the Dutch ecosystem, discuss common challenges, and explore how collaboration can drive innovation and mutual growth.

Depending on the interest, we will address topics such as: Dutch/European business climate, energy, EU regulation, tax, talent acquisition, immigration compliance, cybersecurity, resilience, legal matters (e.g. labor, competition, privacy/data transfer), etc.

The agenda includes a guided tour of the venue facilities at ITC and Polymer Science Park, as well as a joint discussion with EACC member-experts.

Date: Thursday, February 6
Enschede: 9.00AM – 12.30PM
Zwolle: 1.30PM – 5.30PM

Registration is upon invitation only and aimed at U.S. companies in Overijssel.

In case you are interested, feel free to send an email to


Feb 06 2025


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